Check out our office in Neenah
Check out our office in Neenah
Need a speaker for a meeting or public event?
Presentations with personalized handouts and valuable educational material for participants as well as powerpoint presentation on a wide variety of topics, contact us to see how we can help your group! NEW- Webinar option now available!
Employee health and corporate wellness are essential initiatives to reduce healthcare costs, insurance premiums, and improve attendance and productivity. Topics can range from exercise, healthy eating, and nutrition 101 to cooking and reducing risk for many chronic diseases.
Book a FREE consultation, services may be covered by insurance
Work one-on-one together (in-person or virtually) with your personalized dietitian, this 3-month program offers:
*Sessions may be covered by insurance
This 3 month step-down program provides a little more space for you to grow with all the support you still want:
*Sessions may be covered by insurance
This plan a offers a step-down option for people who need less support, but still want all the awesome benefits of working with a registered dietitian. Program offers:
*Session may be covered by your insurance
This unique program includes everything included in the "RD on Retainer" program, but at your pace.
Includes the initial appointment, then follow ups at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months for those who are more independent and just need a push in the right direction with ongoing support!
*Sessions may be covered by insurance
Just like you go to see the dentist or your primary care provider regularly, why not check in on your nutrition?
Includes 90-minute session to review meal planning and variety, medications and supplements, movement, sleep, and stress to keep you moving toward your goals!
Make a longer investment in yourself for better rates and better results
Know someone who would like to work with a dietitian? Give the gift of good health to a friend, family member, or co-worker.
Tell a friend about us and receive an additional 10% off your total investment when they sign up for services (can't apply toward genetic test pricing, sorry!)
*Genetic test results recently taking 2-4 weeks to return